Graduate Education Innovation Fund recipients among those recognized with Early Career Teaching Awards
Recipients of the 2022 Early Career Teaching Awards (from left to right): Funké Aladejebi, Sherry Fukuzawa, Obidimma Ezezika, Angela Mashford-Pringle, and Keith Adamson
Professor Keith Adamson (Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work) and Professor Angela Mashford-Pringle (Dalla Lana School of Public Health) are among the five U of T professors who have been recognized with Early Career Teaching Awards. The awards are given annually to faculty members who demonstrate excellence in teaching as well as an exceptional commitment to student engagement and pedagogical innovation. In 2021, both Adamson and Pringle were also among the first cohort of graduate faculty members to be awarded $5000 seed grants by the Graduate Education Innovation Fund, a new SGS initiative that aims to enhance graduate education at U of T by supporting innovation in course design and delivery.
To better prepare social workers to support clients with disabilities, Adamson, an assistant professor, teaching stream, at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, created a course that brings six clients or families to the classroom to be actively involved in the teaching process. “Social Work and Disability Practice: A Client and Family-Centered Approach,” works to ensure that the lived experience of clients and families – which can sometimes contradict theories learned in the classroom – becomes an integral part of how students approach questions of care.
Professor Angela Mashford-Pringle is the first Indigenous health lead at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and the educator behind “Indigenous Health,” U of T’s first land-based learning course. This year, Mashford-Pringle is launching two new land-based courses with support from the Graduate Education Innovation Fund – “Indigenous Food Systems, Environment, and Health,” which will be conducted at Hart House Farm in May 2022, and “Indigenous Social Determinants of Health,” which will be held at U of T Mississauga.