
Program Overview

The Department of Geography and Planning ​offers facilities for research leading to the degrees of Master of ArtsMaster of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy. The PhD program prepares students for academic careers in teaching and research. Some may also pursue an advanced career in the public or non-profit sectors, given the rising demand outside of academia for people with a PhD credential.

In Geography, faculty members conduct research in the following areas: geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, biogeography, pedology, environmental assessment and sustainable natural resource management, international development, industrial innovation, urban and economic geography, cultural and historical geography, gender studies, social geography, regional analysis, the history and philosophy of geography, remote sensing, computer cartography, spatial statistics, topics in land/geographic information systems, and quantitative analysis. The territories of special concern are Canada, the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, Northwestern and Central Europe, East Asia, South Asia, and the former Soviet Union.

Quick Facts

Domestic International
Application deadline MA, MSc, PhD:

Fall 2024 entry


MA, MSc, PhD:

Fall 2024 entry


Minimum admission average MA, MSc:

B+ in the final two years of bachelor’s


A- average in Master’s

MA, MSc:

B+ in the final two years of bachelor’s


A- average in Master’s

Direct entry option from bachelor's to PhD? PhD:

Yes ( A average in bachelor’s degree)


Yes ( A average in bachelor’s degree)

Is a supervisor identified before or after admission? MA, MSc, PhD:


MA, MSc, PhD:


Is a supervisor assigned by the graduate unit or secured by the applicant? MA, MSc, PhD:


MA, MSc, PhD:


Are any standardized tests required/recommended? MA, MSc, PhD:


MA, MSc, PhD:


Tammara Soma

“Toronto is a place for everybody to belong, and a space of potential.”

Tammara Soma
Alumna, PhD, Planning
Full Profile