2022-2023 John Charles Polanyi Prize Recipients
- Alana Ogata
Dr. Alana Ogata obtained her BsC at the College of William & Mary and conducted research under Kristin Wustholz. She […]
- Isabella Huberman
Dr. Isabella Huberman’s extensive experience working with Indigenous youth and leading canoe trips on Canada’s northern rivers spurred her research […]
- Joshua Speagle
By leveraging the study of astrophysics, statistics and computer science, Dr. Joshua Speagle is developing new statistical techniques to create […]
- Kieran Quinn
Dr. Kieran Quinn was wrapping up a busy day of clinical service on the general medicine ward at Mount Sinai Hospital […]
- Michael Stepner
Dr. Michael Stepner is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Toronto, where he studies […]