FAQs for Students

Why apply?

1. What are the benefits of doing a Joint Educational Placement (JEP)?

Key benefits include:

  • earning a single doctoral degree under the joint faculty from U of T and a collaborating Canadian or international university;
  • having access to the expertise of two supervisors, additional research facilities, and the ideas of faculty and students at both institutions, potentially enhancing the quality of your research and your own knowledge of your field;
  • forging collegial relationships at two institutions, expanding your professional network and potentially broadening your postdoctoral and/or career options after graduation;
  • getting a parchment and transcript from U of T regardless it is a lead or collaborator institution.

2. Before I apply, will I need to be accepted into two doctoral programs, one at the University of Toronto and another at a recognized collaborator institution?

Yes. You’ll need to provide evidence of acceptance at both the lead and collaborator institutions, and you must remain a full-time doctoral student in good standing throughout the duration of the Joint Educational Placement (JEP) Agreement (PDF).

Collaborator & Lead Institutions

3. How do I know if another institution is a “recognized collaborator” with U of T?

Your supervisor will verify the institution’s status with the Graduate Unit Chair or Designate before you enter into the JEP Agreement.

4. Can I identify a potential collaborator institution?

Yes. Based on your own research interests and knowledge of current scholarship in your area, you can speak with your supervisor about initiating a Joint Educational Placement (JEP). Ask your supervisor to check with the Department Chair if a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) exists with the institution you are interested in. While an MOU is not required, it may detail special supports in place for JEPs.

5. In a Joint Educational Placement (JEP) Agreement, which is the “lead” institution?

The lead institution is:

  • the institution designated as the lead in your Joint Educational Placement Agreement;
  • the institution to which you will pay tuition throughout your program; and
  • the institution issuing the single degree.

Please remember that, where the University of Toronto is designated as the lead institution, JEP students are subject to U of T policies and regulations.

Transcript & Parchment

6. When I successfully complete the program, what will my transcript and parchment say?

If successful, the JEP student will be awarded a single degree from the lead institution. University of Toronto will issue a parchment and transcript regardless of whether it is a lead or collaborator institution. The parchment and transcript will include the following statement “awarded as a single degree under a Joint Educational Placement arrangement with (the other institution).” Verify with the other institution whether a separate transcript and parchment will be issued.

JEP Agreement & Checklist

7. What paperwork needs to be completed to begin a Joint Educational Placement?

The JEP Agreement must be completed and signed / dated by:

  • the student entering into the Joint Educational Placement;
  • the co-supervisors at the lead and collaborator institutions;
  • the Graduate Unit Chair or Designate at the lead and collaborator institutions; and
  • the Dean, School of Graduate Studies, at the lead and collaborator institutions.

8. At what point in my doctoral program does the paperwork need to be completed?

The JEP Agreement must be completed, signed, and dated by all parties as soon as possible after the doctoral student is accepted at both institutions.

For more information, consult the steps outlined in the JEP Checklist (PDF).

Tuition, Fees, Funding

9. Do I pay tuition to U of T or to the other institution?

If the University of Toronto has been designated as the lead institution:

  • You must pay tuition to U of T in all sessions. Please see #10 for payment of U of T incidental and ancillary fees.

If the University of Toronto has been designated as the collaborator institution:

  • You must pay tuition to the lead institution in accordance with their own policies. Please see answer #10 regarding payment of U of T incidental and ancillary fees.

10. Will I need to pay activity and health insurance fees at both institutions?

If the University of Toronto has been designated as the lead institution:

  • You must pay ancillary and incidental fees (including the University Health Insurance Plan [UHIP]) to U of T in all sessions. However, for sessions where you are not in residence at U of T, you may request ancillary and incidental fee adjustment if you provide documentation indicating payment of such fees at the collaborator institution. Consult the collaborator institution’s policies regarding payment of fees during sessions of residency and non-residency. Be sure to make this request no later than November 1 for Fall / Winter fees and July 1 for Summer fees.

If the University of Toronto has been designated as the collaborator institution:

  • You must pay ancillary and incidental fees to the lead institution in accordance with their own policies. You will also be required to pay ancillary and incidental fees (including the University Health Insurance Plan [UHIP]) to U of T during your program. However, at registration, you may request ancillary and incidental fee adjustment during sessions when you are not in residence at U of T. Inquire at SGS Student Services if you have further questions. Remember to consult the lead institution’s policies regarding payment of fees during sessions of residency and non-residency as well.

11. Is any funding available to cover the travel costs incurred during a Joint Educational Placement?

Perhaps. Ask your graduate unit and the Graduate Awards Office at SGS for further information.


12. If I conduct my research at another institution, do I still follow the University of Toronto Ethical Review policies?

Yes. Regardless of where the research is taking place, the University of Toronto research integrity policies apply. Moreover, any or all of the following University of Toronto policies apply to research, intellectual property, and discovery, as indicated in the signed JEP Agreement (PDF): Inventions Policy, Copyright Policy, and Publication Policy. You and your supervisor will confirm these policies on the Agreement before signing.

Thesis & Final Oral Exam

13. If I do not designate U of T as my lead institution, would my thesis requirements change?

No. Regardless of whether U of T is the lead institution or the collaborator institution, the thesis must conform to the SGS regulations of the School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto (see Section D: Thesis and Final Oral Examination in the JEP Agreement (PDF) for details).

However, you must also ensure that your thesis meets requirements specific to the other institution. Ensure you know these requirements before signing the Agreement.

14. If my Final Oral Examination is not conducted at U of T, what policies and regulations govern the defence?

The Final Oral Examination is conducted in accordance with the requirements of the lead institution.

Where the University of Toronto is the lead institution, all policies, regulations, and guidelines for Final Oral Examinations govern the defence, regardless of where the defence takes place, according to the Guidelines for the Doctoral Final Oral Examination (FOE) page.


15. What happens if my supervisory relationship at either institution breaks down during the Joint Educational Placement?

The Department Chair (or Designate) will make reasonable efforts to assist you in resolving the conflict, which may include finding an alternative supervisor, provided that you are in good standing and in accordance with U of T policies and procedures.


16. What if, during my studies, I want to end the Joint Educational Placement and become a regular degree student?

You can terminate the JEP Agreement (PDF) at any time by completing the withdrawal from Joint Educational Placement form (PDF). Moreover, you will revert to doctoral degree status at the lead institution, where you will be subject to any policies and regulations governing regular degree students.


17. I still have questions. Who can help?

Your supervisor and Manager, Recruitment and Admissions at the School of Graduate Studies can provide more information.

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