Research Article Boot Camp: June 25-26 2024 (In-Person)
Why, What, Who, and How?
Why a Research Article Boot Camp?
Getting research published is a priority for graduate students, but finding uninterrupted time for writing can be challenging. The GCAC Research Article Boot Camp is designed to provide U of T graduate students with uninterrupted time and a distraction-free space to focus solely on your writing. With instructor-led training sessions, you will get the much-needed support and advice to help start, make progress, or complete your research article.
To truly focus on writing, you will be staying away from emails and social media for the two camp days (lunch breaks excepted), giving you the opportunity to get some writing done, learn about the writing process, and discuss your experience with a writing instructor and graduate student peers. A crucial goal of the camp is to help you discover the joy of writing, learn to deal with writing-related challenges, and establish a productive writing practice.
Who Should Sign Up?
Though the camp is open to all U of T graduate students, the following conditions apply:
- Your research and data collection must be finished, i.e., you need to be at a point where the only logical thing to do is write. Boot Camp is for writing – not further reading and research!
- You are willing to set goals and strive to reach them, to commit to a two-day program, and to realize your potential for self-disciplined writing.
What are the Logistics of the GCAC Research Article Boot Camp?
The boot camp will be held in-person at the St. George Campus on two consecutive days (Tuesday & Wednesday, June 25 & 26, 2024) from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm ET each day.
Each participant is asked to pay $10 (ten dollars) to defray the cost of coffee and cookies (lunch excluded!). Please bring the cash with you on the first day. Enrolment is limited to 20 students (campers), and eligible applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications are due by June 14 and confirmations will be sent by end-of-day June 17.
How to Register
To apply for a place, please fill out this form by end-of-day Friday, June 14, 2024:
Once the instructor has assessed your eligibility for the boot camp, they will advise you whether or not you have been accepted.
Questions about the Boot Camp should be sent to Dr Adeiza Isiaka at
In order to participate, you must be available to attend in-person for the full two days, without exception.
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