Manage Your Program

Photo: Jason Krygier-Baum
Keep your graduate career on track with these resources.
Maintaining Good Standing
Good standing and satisfactory progress; achieving candidacy (for doctoral students only); time limits to complete your degree.
Find a Supervisor
Guidelines on choosing a supervisor, establishing a supervisory committee, and maintaining a productive working relationship.
Thesis & Dissertation Writing Support
Writing workshops and roundtables; online resources; support for writing groups.
Candidacy Extensions
Policies and guidelines for requesting extensions to the time limit on achieving candidacy.
Coursework Extensions
Policies and guidelines for requesting extensions to complete coursework and grade submissions.
Program Extensions
Policies and guidelines for requesting extensions to the time limit on program completion.
Leave of Absence
Procedures for requesting leaves.
Stop-Out, Withdrawal, Failure to Register
Procedures for temporary (stop-out) and permanent withdrawals; and reinstatement if you fail to register.
Academic Integrity Resources
Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters and Code of Student Conduct.
Guidelines to avoid plagiarism and academic offences.
Academic Appeals
Policies and guidelines on appealing academic matters.
Update Your Personal Information
Make name and gender changes at SGS Student Academic Services (or your Faculty Registrar’s office if you have one). You can update other personal information such as address, email, telephone, and emergency contacts directly in ACORN.